Sunday, August 20, 2017

METALLICA - Houston, TX 6/11/2017

Metallica wrapped up their North American tour in Edmonton, Alberta on August 16th.  The entire show was professionally shot and is on You Tube.  You should check it out.  I saw them when they passed through Houston June 11th and to quote the late Wesley Willis, “It was a great rock show.”  Metallica delivered the goods and killed NRG Stadium.  However, there were just a few questions I had about the Houston show:

1.      Why the hell was there a DJ playing in between bands?  It was terrible and I didn’t come to see some dude spin records.  He would play pieces of all these old metal songs and go “whicky whicky” on his DJ scratch pad thingy.  I honestly feel 94.5 The Buzz had something to do with it.  I can't say for certain that they were involved, but anytime there is something lame in Houston involving music, I feel they are to blame.

2.     Why is Avenge Sevenfold so terrible?  Seriously?  If you ever have to sit through their set,  you can pass the time by trying to name the Metallica song they ripped off and put into their watered down soap opera metal.  This will not keep you from having to experience that crap, but it helps pass the time. 

3.     Why are Houston’s crowds so well behaved and New Orleans crowds don’t know how to act?  New Orleans’ crowds lose their damn minds at a big stadium show!  I guess they don’t get enough big rock shows and when they do, they go for broke.  Nothing better than seeing a 40 year-old piss ass drunk BEFORE the doors even open!  Good job, Houston. 

All in all, I would love to see Metallica do away with opening acts all together.  Nothing against Volbeat, but no one goes to these shows to see the opening bands.  Or a fucking DJ splice old Pantera and Rage Against the Machine songs together and then go "whicky, whicky, whicky".  


Saturday, August 19, 2017


We all know the story; man creates machines to serve mankind, machines become self-aware, machines take over the world, mankind now serves the machines.  It’s a tried and true formula and that is what I was expecting with Dynamite’s new series Magnus.  Based off of the old Magnus: Robot Fighter comics, what else would anyone expect?

Well, that’s not the case at all here.

In this new series; man creates machines to serve mankind, machines become self-aware and begin to despise mankind, machines create their own world in which to escape mankind, and mankind is bummed. 

I really didn’t see that one coming.

We are only on issue #2, but this comic has some serious potential.  I’m not going to outline the plot and spoil anything for you, but just know this is such a well written book you will not be disappointed.  It’s done so well that the fact that Magnus is now a woman makes absolutely no difference.  (See how that’s done Marvel!)  Normally, I am not a fan of radically changing an established character in comics, but when it’s this good, it makes no difference.

I’ve been away from comics for a few years now, but if this is what Dynamite Comics is selling these days – I’m buying!   


Friday, August 4, 2017


ROUGHDALE recently caught up with Nikos from the Athens, Greece based death metal band GRAVEWARDS.
Roughdale: Tell us where GRAVEWARDS is based?  Who is in the band and what they play? 
Gravewards: We are based in Athens/Greece. GRAVEWARDS is a three piece 3 piece band that consists of me (Nikos) on Guitars and vocals, Fotis on bass and Vasilis on drums.

Roughdale: How long have you guys been together? 
Gravewards: We formed the band in late 2015.  But it is important to mention here that we are longtime friends...doing rehearsals enough times in the past - knowing our musical ''chemistry''

Roughdale: That is always a big part to making a band work.  The best bands are always friends in my opinion.  What are some of your guy's musical influences? 
Gravewards: Absolutely true. The best way to share these unique feelings.  Death metal and thrash metal as well...Everything from the late 80's and mid 90's. Pure passionate music.  If I have to mention bands...these would have been Slayer, Sepultura, Death, Deicide, and Bolt Thrower.

Roughdale: I can definitely hear the grove of Bolt Thrower in your music.  There is also a lot of space in the riffs and it lets the songs breath in my opinion. 
Gravewards: It is absolutely true.  We do not wish to rush riffs just to sound faster or anything like that we let every song to flow let's say... ''naturally''.

Roughdale: What's some of your non-metal musical influences?  Bands that aren't necessarily heavy that you guys did
Gravewards: Concerning nonmetal influences. . .well nothing to be honest...But personally I still listen to the old grind era, several crust bands and old punk records.

Roughdale: We are gear dorks over here at ROUGHDALE. . .  what kind of guitars, amps, pedals, etc. do you guys use?  
Gravewards: Simple things for the first recording...Ibanez instruments plugged into the amps. Nothing exceptional for the time being...Since the result is the desired one. We let the brands play a secondary role. We do possess several instruments and pedals though, but we can’t' call ourselves gear nerds.

Roughdale: One of the first guitars that I worked for and saved up to buy when I was a teenager was an Ibanez.  I still have it to this day. I have to say the desired result was achieved. Subconscious Lobotomy has a really great sound to it!    
Gravewards: Honestly we love Ibanez, be it guitar or bass...they still make some great instruments.  I have tried many guitar labels till now...the next step is to get a B.C. Rich.

Roughdale: There is a really great time lapse video of the creation of the Subconscious Lobotomy cover on You Tube - can you talk about the concept behind it and the artist? 
Gravewards: Sure, Vojtech from Moonroot art (Czech Rep.) is responsible for the cover art.  I wanted something related to the Lovecraftian Horror theme so he came up with this drawing which we found very good.  I recommend him to anyone in need for a cover or anything related to artwork...

Roughdale: Is the EP all that you guys have out now?  What else is out there for the ROUGHDALE readers to get into? 

Gravewards: Well for now this is our only release.  But during this month we will start the recording process of our full length.  We will take our time since we do not wish to rush things up, and hopefully after the summer days it will be ready to be published...we shall see about the label matters then.
