With all the pending court battles for GHOST, it looks like
MAGNA CARTA CARTEL will get a second chance.
Is it me or does this seem very similar to what SLIPKNOT did? Let’s get all famous and then go back to our
old bands and try to get them as famous as our major label band? I’m looking at you Cory Taylor. I don’t know if that’s the case here or GHOST
has simply run its course with these guys.
I could only imagine that after a while all the theatrics and costumes
would get old.
“Let’s just jam without having to dress up!” I can imagine
being said after every GHOST show. In
fact, there is an old MCC video on You Tube and it really looks like Tobias
Forge is not wearing any pants at the show.
MCC, in my opinion, was the band that they wanted to succeed
and be taken seriously. However, GHOST
took off and everyone outside of the band took it way too seriously. I always sensed that GHOST was such a sham
and that the guys behind the masks were laughing at everyone who took them seriously. That being said, if you like THE DOORS you
need to listen to GHOST sometime. The
song Secular Haze sounds like it
could have been on Strange Days or Waiting for the Sun. It’s like Jim Morrison and the boys tried to
play metal.
You will find some of the same melodies in MCC as you do in
GHOST, but MCC is not heavy at all. They
slide between PINK FLOYD and JESU type vibes with tons of acoustic guitars and
instrumental tracks. Tobias Forge (Papa Emeritus)
is singing . . . or at least I think it’s
him. Who the hell really knows with
these guys?
The new MCC EP comes out May 5th. Check out the video for one of the new songs.
Tobias is so tired of wearing his heavy, hot Papa getup he's just going to let it all hang free. No pants days are great, I could get behind that too!