Monday, January 30, 2017


I constantly hear people complaining about “losing their rights” in this county.  The impending hammer of an absolute totalitarian society is just around the corner.  We are all going to be in FEMA camps this summer, etc.  We all know those people.  Not to say all of that is not possible, but just very unlikely.  What I see is not a loss of rights, but rather a complete apathy towards them.  

That is the beauty of Zines.  It is free speech in the purest form.  You can be the freedom of the press you always hear about.  Zines are one of the purest expressions and exercise of free speech readily available to anyone who wants to express anything.

It is absolutely baffling to me that the high schools in this country aren’t littered with them.  Had I know about this medium during my stint in high school, man I would have had a new one out every week!  The Zine would have been the reason for my expulsion, not my behavior.  But I don’t see that same anger and resentment in today’s generation.  I see a concern about shoes, phones, and Snap Chat. 

Ultimately, when you really think about it, not using a right is about the same as losing it.  Perhaps, as a result of our conditioning, we have become convinced that we are only here to consume and not produce, and that thought depressed me to no end.  


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