Tuesday, February 7, 2017


This isn’t about Bernie Sanders and his promises of making college free in America, but the last time I received any "free education" was in high school.  The thought of our colleges turning into high schools scares me deeply.  Sometimes you get what you pay for in life.  However, this about actual free college for those who truly love to learn. 

How the Open Yale Courses are not the biggest thing on the internet is beyond me.  It’s freaking YALE!  They have cameras set up in the classes and you can watch an entire course for free!  Some classes have $20 companion books for the courses and they range from economics, philosophy to pre-law course.  Did I mention this was all free?

You can check it out on You Tube and I Tunes. 

So put down the phone or remote and get ur lern on!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


I did not come up with The Cheeseburger Theory, but I wish I had.  It was first explained to me by a good friend around late 2002.  This was during the build up to the Iraq invasion and it went like this: invade the country, get rid of Saddam, put a McDonald's on every corner and all will be good.  Not to go down the road of how the war actually played out, but at the time it sounded plausible to me.  Even if The Cheeseburger Theory sounded crazy, and as much as I was against the Iraq war and as much as I hated to admit it, I could totally see it working. 

I did believe The Cheeseburger Theory for a while as it has enjoyed enormous success in America.  Everywhere I looked I would see cheeseburgers for sale and people are happy to stand in line for them.  They are cheap and they make you fat and happy, and that is not a bad deal for $2.99.  I patiently waited, via cable news, for the same scenario to play out in Iraq but, sadly, The Cheeseburger Theory never gained any traction.  I think all the McDonald’s were ultimately car-bombed and the employees were beheaded.  And you thought working at a McDonald’s in America sucked?

To this day, when I hear about how terrible life is in this county, I always come back to The Cheeseburger Theory.  How can life be so bad if there are cheeseburgers available everywhere?  How is life so miserable when you can get stuffed on beef, bread, and cheese for a few bucks?  And if you get beheaded in this country, you were either hanging with some real psychos or you just had it coming. 

Full disclosure: I hate cheese and only eat normal hamburgers. 
